SINGING is something that i've been doing from i was a child like 5 years old (?) because every week my sister would go to singing course so i accompanied her . So somehow singing have been in my life like forever . whenever i go, everytime i'd sing random song that pops in my head and everytime i'd play that song for a week straight until i get bored and that song has stucked in my head. then i changed another song .

Singing is my life. so for me No music No life in me.
Because from singing, i can express my feelings and thoughts , oh i can really know what that song means. Sometimes from songs i can remember someone. Amazing right? I Can't Live Without Music especially singing.

Types of songs i like , pop and classic.

I've joined many chinese song competitions and won, and the most achieving was that i joined walikota cup competition the english version as well as the chinese version.
I've joined royal singing ABRSM until grade 5.
and from all of that i've made money from singing at someone's birthday or wedding for experience but not for a job for me to do until in the future, just because i enjoy it.
Well i've made some english songs cover at my instagram story few times, and i'm willing to make korean songs cover soon ! so wait yah :) make sure to check my instagram : Jesssiellie_ , Follow me too ~


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